日期: 2020年4月23日至4月29日
地點: 各人在自已家中同心禱告
形式: 每週同一主題,為到不同事工祈禱
此祈禱會內容是由 Lisa 準備:
Lisa’s Sharing and Prayer:
The verse comes from Psalm 30:5 “For his anger lasts only a moment, but
his favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may stay for the night but rejoicing comes
in the morning.”
David may have written this psalm when he dedicated Araunah's threshing
floor ( which became the future site of the temple) and after God stopped the
great plaque he had used to discipline David (1Chronicles
21:1-22:6). The serious illness mentioned in 30:2, 3) may refer to
an illness David experienced or to the plaque itself.
A celebration of God’s deliverance. Earthly security is
uncertain, but God is always faithful.
Like a shot given by a doctor, the discomfort of God's anger lasts only
a moment, but the good effects go on for a long time. Let God's
anger be a sharp pain that warns us people on earth to turn from sin.
As we look at this, it really relates to us now in our situation on this
earth with the COVID 19. Many may turn and realized that our fame,
pride and monetary gift are not every thing. As God wants us
(includes all people in this world wide) to stay at home to reflect what is
really important.
Thank you God for being so patient with us like a Father to their
children. Some of us are still so ignorant after You have given us
chances after chances to repent. We pray that you will give us
strength to trust and to have faith in You and that You will save us as you
have saved David and the people from his/their suffering. With our
trust in you we pray…..Amen.
- 為各教友在新冠肺痰嚴峻下,對上主的愛有堅定的信心代禱,世界沒有任何東西能隔絕我們和主耶穌基督的愛;
- 為新冠肺痰影響下,教會由牧師主領新形式的直播主日崇拜得以順利進行,獻上感恩,願上主賜福帶領日後的主日崇拜;
- 為本主日英文早堂新形式的視象主日崇拜交托代禱,願上主繼續賜福引領;
- 為迦勒團契星期五新形式的視象團契聚會得到順利的進行獻上感恩,為日後的團契活動交托禱告,願上主引領拖帶;
- 為新冠肺痰世界各地疫情嚴峻祈禱,願上主主權介入、停止災情 、醫治拯救也使人珍惜機會,謙卑反省,及多親近上主;
- 為身體軟弱、心靈疲乏的教友、同道代禱;願上帝親自醫治、安慰及帶領;
- 為各教友在新冠肺痰嚴峻下,對上主的愛有堅定的信心代禱,世界沒有任何東西能隔絕我們和主耶穌基督的愛;
- 為到教會中文堂在疫情期間特別成立的關懷及技術支援小組代禱, 希望在疫情期間能夠為有需要的會友提供必要的遙距或上門服務, 求主親自保守牧師及小組成員在服務期間, 做足預防的安全措施,避免有任何感染。在這段艱難的時間,讓教友及有需要的其他朋友透過關懷的服務感受到彼此相愛的心及對基督的保守有信心;
- 我們為到Pinky姊妹的頑病、斯明姊妹的脚患及在這個疫情中情緒低落及這段期間仍須在前線工作的弟兄姊妹祈禱, 因為主耶穌是是我們的磐石, 生命當中的避難所 ,是我們的真光及盼望的泉源,當人走刻盡頭的時候就是神計劃的開始, 求主特別看顧, 給我們有平安及盼望, 這段期間更加需要親近我們的天父上帝。
下次祈禱會日期是2012年4月30日至5月6日,在各人家中舉行,由 Kitty 準備祈禱會內容 。