2022年4月14日 星期四

受苦節默想 (Good Friday Meditation)



Date 日期: April  15, 2022 (星期五)

Time 時間晚上 7:30pm

Location 地點在各人家中(Zoom APP)

  主題受苦節默想 (Good Friday Meditation)

Host 主領:  Rev. Everest Kao

Lead Singing 領詩: Lisa

Spiritual Sharing 靈修分享: Carrie


(在受難日,主基督為我們釘十字架, 讓我們以安靜感恩的心一起懷緬主耶穌基督苦路中的經歷, 感謝上帝為我們所做的一切。On Good Friday, the Lord Christ was crucified for us. Let us think of the journey of the Lord Jesus Christ with a quiet and grateful heart, and thank God for all that he has done for us.)