2020年11月19日 星期四

Theme 主題: 啟示錄七教會 - 士每拿


迦勒團契 Caleb Fellowship

Date 日期: Nov. 19, 2020 (星期五)

Time 時間晚上7:30pm-9:30pm

Location 地點在各人家中(Zoom App)

Theme 主題: 示錄七教會 - 士每拿

Host 主持: Esther

Lead Singing 領詩Caroline

Spiritual Sharing 靈修分享: Cynthia

(今次我們團契聚會一起認識及了解啟示錄中第二個教會-士每拿, 士每拿教會是一個怎麼樣的教會? 上帝要我們從士每拿教會中學習到什麼? 對我們個人屬靈生命及在教會事奉中有什麼幫助? 請大家在聚會前閱讀以下經文: 啟示錄2811節  (This time we have a fellowship meeting to get to know and understand the second church in the book of Revelation-Smyrna. What kind of church is Smyrna? What does God want us to learn from Smyrna? For us personally How can spiritual life and church service help? Please read the following verses before meeting: Revelation 2: 8-11)


思考問題 Questions for thinking:

1.         基督在這段經文裡的自稱是什麼?What does Christ call himself in this passage?

2.         士每拿教會的門徒都經歷那幾樣的患難 The disciples of the church in Smyrna have experienced the tribulations

3.         神對他們的鼓勵和安慰是怎樣的 . What is God's encouragement and comfort to them?

4.         基督給的勝者的獎勵是什麼?What is Christ's reward for the winner?