迦勒團契 Caleb
Date 日期: Nov. 13, 2020 (星期五)
Time 時間: 晚上7:30pm-9:30pm
Location 地點: 在各人家中(Zoom App)
Theme 主題: 經文分享 - 聖潔的生活
(Bible Scripture Sharing -A Holy Life)
Host 主持: Eliza
Lead Singing 領詩: Sandra
(今次團契聚會主題是經文分享,經文的分享內容圍繞[聖潔的生活], 請在聖經中尋找一段你覺得可以幫助我們基督徒活出聖潔生活的經文, 並且分享一下經文如何幫助你。 假如你沒有找到合適的經文, 小娜有一段經文可以與大家分享, 就是彼得前書 1章13至25節, 明天可以一起分享這段經文對你的得著。The theme of this fellowship meeting is scripture sharing. The content of the bible scripture sharing is around [Holy Life]. Please find a bible scripture in the Bible that you think can help us Christians live a holy life, and share how the bible scriptures are help you. If you don't find a suitable bible verse, Eliza has a bible verse to share with everyone, which is 1 Peter 1:13-25. Tomorrow, you can share this verse as well.)