2021年6月9日 星期三

主愛中實踐 - 生活見証 The Practice in the Lord's Love (Life Testimony)


迦勒團契 Caleb Fellowship

Date 日期: June 11, 2021 Friday (星期五)

Time 時間: 7:30pm-9:30pm

Location 地點在各人家中(Zoom App)

Theme 主題主愛中實踐 - 生活見証

                The Practice in the Lord's Love (Life Testimony)

Host 主領 : Kitty

Lead Singing 領詩: Wilson

Spiritual Sharing 靈修分享: 潘憬愉

( 聖經教導我們如何彼此相愛, 今次團契主題是「主愛中實踐-生活見證」。相信在我們的生命中會時常看到很多在主愛中的生活見證, 藉著今次團契可以把一些你知道或聽過一些與「主愛中的實踐」有關的故事與大家一起分享, 你亦可以配合一些與「愛」有關的經文或詩歌, 讓我們一起享受一個充滿愛的晚上,歡迎繼續邀請新朋友參加

Bible always teach us Love each other, the theme of this fellowship is "Practice of Love - Christian Life Testimony". We believe that we will often see many love life stories in our lives to demonstrate the Love of Jesus Christ. Through this fellowship, we can share some stories you know or have heard about the "practice in the Lord's Love" with everyone, and you can also share with you scripture or song related to "love", let us enjoy a night full of love together, welcome to continue to invite new friends to participate)