迦勒團契 Caleb
Date 日期: April. 23, 2021 (星期五)
Time 時間: 晚上7:30pm-9:30pm
Location 地點: 在各人家中(Zoom App)
Theme 主題: 賓果遊戲 Bingo Game(Bible Quiz)
Host 主持: Eliza
Lead Singing 領詩: Cordelia
Sharing 靈修分享: Lisa
(大家一起用聖經問題玩賓果遊戲 Bingo, 一邊思想聖經話語,一邊玩賓果遊戲, 看看誰最快勝出。 大家當日要準備一張白紙及一支筆,在紙上先畫上五成五的方格。Let's play the Bingo game with Bible questions. While thinking about the Bible, we play the Bingo game to see who wins the fastest. Everyone must prepare a piece of white paper and a pen, and draw a 5x5 squares on the paper.)