迦勒團契 Caleb
Date 日期: August 13, 2021 Friday (星期五)
Time 時間: 7:30pm-9:30pm
Location 地點: 在各人家中(Zoom App)
Theme 主題: 收買佬遊戲 (Play Game on Zoom)
Host 主領 : Eliza
Lead Singing 領詩: David
Sharing 靈修分享: Lisa
(今次是第一次在網上用Zoom玩遊戲,有一定難度,只有一個要求,希望大家能全情投入, 舒展筋骨, 動動腦筋, 一起度過一個愉快的團契晚上。This is the first time to play game in Zoom. Hope everyone can devote themselves, stretch their muscles and use their brains, and spend a happy fellowship evening together.)