2021年5月19日 星期三

小先知書 - 西番雅書 Little Prophets - Zephaniah


迦勒團契 Caleb Fellowship

Date 日期: May 21, 2021 (星期五)

Time 時間晚上7:30pm-9:30pm

Location 地點在各人家中(Zoom App)

Theme 主題

小先知書 - 西番雅書

Little Prophets - Zephaniah

Host 主持: Carrie

Lead Singing 領詩: Linda

Spiritual Sharing 靈修分享: Tracy

(西番雅書是舊約聖經中其中一卷小先知書, 本書共有三章,不會很長, 請大家在團契前先閱讀最少一篇, 讓我們在這個星期五一起學習西番雅書,閱讀西番亞書知道上帝對罪不輕視,且必懲治,也知道衪掌權,必拯救贖祂的人。

Zephaniah is one of the small prophets in the Old Testament. This book has three chapters and will not be very long. Please read at least one before the fellowship. Let us study Zephaniah together this Friday. Reading Zephaniah knows that God does not despise sin and will punish it, and know that He is in power and will save His redeemers.)

反思 Reflection:

1.  耶和華的日子臨近了,臨近是很可怕的事,一切都要毀滅。我們該怎麼辦?

2. 什麼叫轉回?

3. 以色列人不聽耶和華的話的後果是什麼?

4. 上帝的恩典使得餘民有機會重新地去經歷神豐盛的預備。結合新約聖經,上帝給他的子民如何預備?

1. The day of the Lord is approaching. It is a terrible thing to approach, and everything will be destroyed. what should we do?

2. What is reversal?

3. What are the consequences of the Israelites not listening to Jehovah?

4. God's grace gives the remnant the opportunity to experience God's abundant preparations again. In conjunction with the New Testament, how does God prepare for his people?