迦勒團契 Caleb Fellowship
Date 日期: Aug. 20, 2021 (星期五)
Time 時間: 晚上7:30pm-9:30pm
Location 地點: 在各人家中(Zoom App)
Theme 主題: 啟示錄7系列 - 七印 (上)
Revelation 7 Series - Seven Seals (1)
Host 主持: Kitty
Lead Singing 領詩: Eliza
Spiritual Sharing 靈修分享: Linda
(請大家先備課觀看聖經新約最後一卷書:啟示錄6章1至 17節及思考一下以下7個問題。Please prepare your lesson and watch the last book of the New Testament: Revelation 6: 1-17 and think about the following 7 questions.)
1. 第一印 - 騎在白馬上的是指誰? The first seal-who is riding on the white horse?
2. 紅馬代表什麼? What does Red Horse stand for?
3 . 黑馬代表什麼? What does the black horse stand for?
4. 灰馬代表什麼? What does the dark horse stand for?
5. 第五印是什麼災禍? What disaster is the fifth seal?
6. 您認為,在神的忿下,有誰還站立得住,請分享? In your opinion, who can stand under the wrath of God, please share?
7. 被殺滿足了數目是指誰呢?Who does it mean to be killed and meet the number?