迦勒團契 Caleb
Date 日期: May 28, 2021 (星期五)
Time 時間: 晚上7:30pm-9:30pm
Location 地點: 在各人家中(Zoom App)
Theme 主題:
影音之夜 - 從聖經預言和歷史看以巴衝突
Night - The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict from the Perspective of Biblical
Prophecy and History
Host 主持: Wilson
Lead Singing 領詩: Joseph
(最近以色列及巴勒斯坦的衝突越演越烈, 成為全球的焦點,今次團契聚會,就讓我們從聖經預言和歷史的角度看以色列巴勒斯坦衝突的原由。千萬不要錯過,可以邀請對此題目有興趣的新朋友參加。Recently, the conflict between Israel and Palestine has become
increasingly fierce and has become the focus of the world. This fellowship
meeting allows us to look at the origin of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
from the perspective of biblical prophecy and history. Don't miss it, you can
invite new friends who are interested in this topic to participate.)