2013 November Music Worship Duty Assignment
October Music Worship
Date: Nov. 30, 2013(Saturday)
Time: 4:00pm-5:30pm
Time: 4:00pm-5:30pm
Theme: To Commit Oneself To God's Work that God Really Want You To Be
Where: CMCUC Santuary
Message Sharing: Rev. Eric Stephanson
練習時間 (Rehearsal time)
Nov. 30, 2013 (星期六 Saturday)
Music Worship Team Practice:
(Shirley, Angus, Kevin, Joanne, Jonathan, Alice, Ivan)
AV equipment setup (Friday night - Kenneth and David)
1:30pm – 2:30pm English songs Practice
2:30pm – 3:40pm Chinese songs Practice
3:40pm – 3:55pm Youth Band practice
3:55pm Praying –Rev. Eric Stephanson
Worship leading: Shirley/ Alice
Scripture Reading: Bryran (Scripture will be posted later)
Offering: Ben, Rachel Tang
Tea party preparation: Kitty in charge
Program design: David
Program design: David
PowerPoint Preparation/ Control: Kenneth