2019 Caleb Summer Retreat
日期 Date:
Aug. 9, 2019 Friday (6:00pm) 至 Aug. 11, 2019 Sunday (2:00pm)
Aug. 9, 2019 Friday (6:00pm) 至 Aug. 11, 2019 Sunday (2:00pm)
主題 Theme:
地點 Location:
Springbrooke Retreat Centre
地址 Address:
22778, 72nd Ave., Langley, B.C. V2Y 2K3
Springbrooke Retreat Centre
地址 Address:
22778, 72nd Ave., Langley, B.C. V2Y 2K3
費用 Fee:
大人 (Adult): 140 青少年 (Youth): $80
每位原價含稅 (Orginal fee with Tax): $205.00
每位原價含稅 (Orginal fee with Tax): $205.00
Deadline for Registration 報名截止日期: July 28, 2019
詳情/報名 Information/ Registration:
Eliza/ Brenda/ David (778-896-4987)