迦勒團契 Caleb Fellowship
Date 日期: Jan. 1, 2021 Friday (星期五)
Time 時間: 7:30pm-9:30pm
Location 地點: 在各人家中(ZoomApp)
Theme 主題: 聖地談(4) - 加利利-迦百農
Holy Land Talk (4) - Galilee-Capernaum
Host 主持: Rev. Kao and Eliza
Lead Singing 領詩: Lisa
Spiritual Sharing 靈修分享: Solon
(今天一起遊歷耶穌基督傳道的宣教中心加利利的迦百農。Today we will travel to Capernaum in Galilee, the mission center where Jesus Christ preached )