2021年3月25日 星期四

AV Night 曠野中經歷神 Experience God in the wilderness

迦勒團契 Caleb Fellowship

Date 日期: Mar. 26, 2021 (星期五)

Time 時間晚上7:30pm-9:30pm

Location 地點在各人家中(Zoom App)

Theme 主題AV Night

曠野中經歷神 Experience God in the wilderness

Host 主持: Wilson

Lead Singing 領詩: Willy

Spiritual Sharing 靈修分享: Caroline

(二十年前,袁仲舜從中國嫁到非洲烏干達,可惜生活並非想像中美滿。她努力在生活中掙扎和適應,但脾氣卻越來越暴躁,甚至想過放棄,離開烏干達。在絕望與痛苦中,她如何走下去呢?Twenty years ago, Yuan Zhongshun married from China to Uganda, Africa. Unfortunately, life is not as happy as imagined. She tried to struggle and adapt in life, but her temper became more and more irritable, and she even thought about giving up and leaving Uganda. How can she go on in despair and pain?)

