Joint Fellowship (Caleb + Koinonia+Grace)
實體聚會 Real gathering in the church
Date 日期: Sept. 20, 2024 Friday (星期五)
Time 時間: 7:30pm-9:30pm
Location 地點: 教會Dogwood Room
Theme 主題:
金句分享 + 中秋節追月
Scripture Sharing & Mid Autumn Festival Celebration
Host 主領 : Sandra & Kitty
Lead Singing 領詩: Dominic
Spiritual Sharing 靈修分享: Carrie
(今次是迦勒 +Koinonia+恩典三個團契聯合聚會, 請大家把需要分享的經文在星期四晚上之前WhatsApp給David, 因為需要雙語, 謝謝大家 This is a joint fellowship with Caleb + Koinonia + Grace . Please send the scriptures you want to share to David via WhatsApp before this Thursday night because bilingualism is required. Thank you all.)